About Pardubice
Pardubice is the capital city of the Pardubice Region and lies on the river Elbe, 65 miles east of Prague. Pardubice has an antique centre square and old town. There is an old Tower and a recently renovated Castle. Factories include the Synthesia chemical factory (manufacturer of Semtex, a plastic explosive), an oil refinery Paramo, a heavy machinery factory and an electronic equipment plant.
Complete information about Pardubice is available at the official website at http://www.pardubice.eu or http://pardubice101.com/.
Public transport in Pardubice
City transport in Pardubice has been provided by the Pardubice Transport Company (Dopravní podnik města Pardubic a.s.) for more than 55 years. The current system includes 30 regular routes, 11 of which are by trolley buses. Additional information about the city transport is available on the city transport company’s webpages at www.dpmp.cz.